I think that his little hands in this picture are so sweet.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Meema is funny
This one is for Flave - Go Panthers!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Living the high life...
Monday, March 10, 2008
4 months!
This has been another big week for Drew, as you can see from the pictures below. First of all, he has all of a sudden mastered reaching and grabbing. He's really starting to build up some hand-eye coordination and it's so fun to watch. Of course, anything that he grabs goes straight to his mouth. Another first was he finally was given the OK to start cereal! Yay for solids! Drew make take a while to warm up to the concept, but hopefully it will keep that belly filled up for longer periods of time.
Mommy's handsome boys (Drew is in his outfit for his school pictures - soooo cute!)
First time in a high chair
Drew got some good Meema Carolyn time this weekend while Daddy was out of town. Meema couldn't move in this picture
And finally... Drew's first go at solids. He wasn't quite sure what to think.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Raspberries and videos and such
Drew has really seemed to get some new skills this week. He now is actually *jumping* in his Jumperoo - and appears quite proud of himself when he does. He has really started reaching and grabbing for things now. And also, he has started blowing baby spit raspberries. A big week!
Also, I finally learned how to hook the video camera up to be able to put some videos on here! I have quite a few to share.
Here is one from bath time. He looooooooves his new tub - even though he will soon outgrow it!
And another (I love the bath ones):