Sunday, April 27, 2008

Drew's first music festival

Merlefest was this weekend here in NC. Drew's Meema, Uncle Denny & Aunt Lynda came down for it and Drew went to the festival today with us. He loved looking at everything and everyone there (I have to say everyone loved looking at him too, but I *am* pretty biased!). I'd say that he really likes bluegrass - he kicked his feet a lot to the music! Not one tear was shed or fuss was made the whole time there, he loved it! Here are some pictures from the day:

Drew takes in the sights at the festival with Mommy.

Drew's first full "concert" was Shana Banana at the Little Pickers tent. I'm sure he will be embarrassed by this one day, but he enjoyed it today. =)

Of course, Drew had to wear his tie-dye!
Here are some of Drew's favorite people:
He even got to meet Jerry Douglas after his set!!! He said to Drew, "Good luck in life, little buddy."
Whew! Merlefest can sure wear a baby out!

And finally here is Mommy's new favorite picture of Drew:


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tickle, tickle

Drew has had a good week. He is still extremely interested in his feet and rolling all the time. His newest thing is that he has become ticklish, and he just laughs and laughs at you. We really are so lucky to have such a happy baby! Also, he really seems to pay attention when I read to him now - a lot of times he just stares and smiles at me when I read. His favorite book now is one his cousin Ellen and family gave him - Barnyard Dance. =) He loves it!
And, of course, some new pictures:
Drew pleasing Daddy in his Tarheel gear.

And here is proof that Drew no longer needs us to give him his bottle (how sad!!!), though Mommy will continue to hold that little one in her arms as long as possible!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our little giant

It's official. Drew now comfortably fits into *12 month clothes*!!! Yikes. He's only 7 months off there!

And he's going to keep getting bigger because he's eating his veggies (or at least sometimes he actually gets it in his mouth!). He is funny because he will take his thumb out of his mouth just long enough for you to put another spoonful in, then he "pushes" it in with his thumb - every bite is like that!

Sara took this picture of us last weekend - I love it!

Also, he has a new favorite "toy"...

His feet are the newest hit around here! =)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

5 months old!

Time is going by so fast - our baby is already 5 months old!!! He is eating more and more solid food now. I've got to get a video of him eating squash for yall - he is definitely not a fan. Is it bad that I get such entertainment from his dislike of a vegetable?!? =) His expression is just priceless. Also, Brad walked into Drew giving himself a bottle at daycare this week. I can't believe our baby can feed himself now!