I am writing from the beach during our first real family vacation! Because I know there will likely be a *lot* of pictures, I'm going to try to break it up a bit with several posts. We met at Surfside Beach with Brad's mama (Nana), sister and nephew on Friday night. Since then we have already had a great time and looking forward to a week more of sun and firsts! =) So here are some pictures (though it is hard to narrow them down!):
Drew checks out the water in Daddy's arms:

Drew gets his feet wet in the ocean for the first time:

Drew loves to wave at everyone now:

Nana is comfy!

"What is this stuff and why won't Mommy let me eat it?"

Drew's first trip to the putt-putt course:

Balcony photo shoot:

"Isn't my Aunt Sistah pretty?! I'm sweet on her."

Wooohoo! A fist full of hair!

Those swimming lessons paid off-Drew loves the pool:

Stay tuned as I know there will be many more beach pictures to come!