Hello to all - I am way behind on the posting... sorry for anyone waiting for updates! Drew is doing well now that we have overcome the most recent bout of double ear infections (grrrr)- come on spring weather!!! He now loooooves bubbles and "talks" about them constantly. He has really picked up on a lot of new signs lately, his comprehension of words has improved significantly and he has picked up a few new verbal words, too. Of course, you have to be around Drew to really know what he means with the words, so here is a quick cheat-sheet for anyone that hasn't been around him lately:
"Dees" = Steve
"Mama" = Mommy
"Mama" = Daddy
"Bah Bah Baaaaaaaa" = Yo Gabba Gabba
"Buhboh" = Bubbles
"Ya-Ya" = Bye-bye
"Ga ga" = jacket
"Na na" = banana
"ees" = fish
We enjoyed a very nice trip to the beach this past weekend. A big thank-you to Meema for lending us the beach condo for the weekend - the weather was beautiful and it was nice to get away for a few days. We are definitely learning the toddler-friendly places at the beach, and of course there are a lot of them. We found fun parks, playgrounds, multiple egg hunts, and nice loud restaurants that don't mind a toddler that loves to see just how loud he can yell for the fun of it. =) Here are bunches of new pictures to make up for my lack of posts recently. Enjoy!
We found that a good old phonebook comes in quite handy when you have forgotten the booster seat!

Drew does not stand still for a SECOND anymore - he is constantly going and touching and climbing and pulling and...

The beach!!!

Drew shows Daddy a shell that he found on the beach.

Drew's first Easter egg hunt was at a place in the mall called Kidz Inc. We had to show him the first egg, but he quickly caught on and became quite excited when he saw a new egg. Unfortunately, there were a lot of "big" kids at this hunt, so he only had time to find three eggs. Fortunately, he was young enough to not realize that I kept taking the eggs that he had found out of the basket when he wasn't looking, placed them back on the floor, and then pointed them out to him and he began waving his arms in excitement and put the eggs back in his basket. Pure joy! =)

Drew enjoyed his first jelly bean ever from the egg before Mommy even realized he had gotten into one.

I just love the look on his face in this one. I'd say he's pretty happy!

Drew and Daddy share a good conversation at lunch time

Best baby swing ever!!!

Drew's next egg hung was at the Assembly of God church in Murrell's Inlet. It was a great program and mucho eggs were to be found by little toddlers on the hunt.

Eggs! I need more eggs!

This was the closest he would get to the Easter Bunny, and even here he was quite unsure and squirmy. We tried to get him to sit on the Bunny's lap at the mall - it was all fun and smiles and waves at the bunny until I tried to hand him over and Drew actually started shaking in fear. I guess that would be pretty creepy if I saw it from his eyes...

Drew found the prize egg at the hunt!

Hurricane Drew hit the beach while we were there.

I'm one cool cat. See ya next time, beach. Ya-ya!