It's been a rough week in the Davis household. Last week Drew started with a bad cough and then started running fever - turns out it was RSV (a virus in the respiratory system). Of course, little Eliza quickly picked up the virus as well. We were scheduled on Thursday for her 2-month "well" visit, but it turned into a sick visit and she has had a rough go of it. We went back to the doctor yesterday and she now has bronchiolitis and an ear infection as well. Not only that, but she is vomiting just about everything that she takes in - including her medicine. It is so pitiful to see someone that small coughing so forcefully and vomiting. They say that we are at the "peak" of it now, so hopefully she will start feeling better soon. Her 2-month "stats": height 24 and 3/4 inches (97th percentile), weight 11 pounds 7 ounces (75th percentile), head diameter 15 and 1/4 inches (50th percentile). As a comparison, at this age Drew was only a half inch longer than Eliza but 5 pounds heavier!!! And her head is a full 2 inches smaller! When she is not feeling bad, Eliza is becoming very animated. She loves to be talked to, and when you win her smiles it is the best! She is starting to hit those precious high-note baby coos. She is very entertained with her hands right now. She likes to study them and eat them. I think that she will be a thumb-sucker like her big brother if she every can find it - she keeps it tucked in her hand & it makes her so mad!!
In the past couple of weeks, we have enjoyed separate visits from Nana and Aunt Sistah & Uncle Steve:

ZaZa *loves* to look at big brother Drew

If anyone knows Eliza, you know of her perch. Her very favorite place to be is draped over one arm, with her head laid back and walking around the room. She always looks so uncomfortable, but she loves it


We are looking forward to our trip to the beach this week if we can get everyone well enough. Hopefully we'll get down there in the next day or two!