Sunday, May 16, 2010
I took this picture this morning and I LOVE it!!! Drew was holding her hand and talking to her - and, as usual, anytime that Drew pays her any attention she eats it up! She already adores her big brother and it is just so sweet to see.

Friday, May 14, 2010
Pictures, pictures, pictures...
Not too many updates... Eliza got her 4-month vaccinations this week and seemed to tolerate them pretty well. She is on the verge of rolling back to tummy now. She is sleeping well at night now, but only very short naps during the day... we're working on that one! Drew is fine as well. We're not looking forward to the school year ending because I know he will miss all of his Montessori friends & teachers. He has loved his first year there. It is awesome that he can now tell us about his day and what he did. I love it! His new "thing" recently is obsession with storm drains. The child can NOT pass one without looking to see "is there water n'air?", then he likes to stomp on it. He has even started doing it to the air vents in the house. That is about all. On to some pictures!
Drew talking to Eliza in her bouncy and explaining her toy to her. Sooooo sweet!

Cousins! Drew adores "big kid" Camden!

On a recent visit to Home Depot, Drew fell in love with these smokers because, in his mind, they were choo-choos! He was pulling the handle and loudly going "Choooooo-choooooooo" - the fellow Home Depot shoppers got a kick out of it!
Cutie-pie ZaZa
First bite of oatmeal - she liked this even more than rice cereal!
I'm getting so strong!!
I admit it... we look absolutely NOTHING alike!! This youngin' is all Brad!
Drew talking to Eliza in her bouncy and explaining her toy to her. Sooooo sweet!

Cousins! Drew adores "big kid" Camden!
On a recent visit to Home Depot, Drew fell in love with these smokers because, in his mind, they were choo-choos! He was pulling the handle and loudly going "Choooooo-choooooooo" - the fellow Home Depot shoppers got a kick out of it!

First bite of oatmeal - she liked this even more than rice cereal!

Monday, May 3, 2010
Eliza at 4 months
Eliza is now four-months-old. She went in for her check-up on Friday, and this is where she stood with how she is growing: height - 26 and 1/4" (97th percentile), weight - 13.8 pounds (50th percentile), head diameter - 16" (50th percentile). The doctor gave her the go ahead to start solids, which we tried for the first time yesterday. She actually really seemed to like the cereal! The doctor doubled her dosage for her reflux medicine since it is still bad (if not worse), and we are hoping that between this and the start of solids that soon her reflux will be controlled. The doctor is concerned that she may have an allergy to cow's milk protein. I am hoping that she just has sensitive skin, like Drew does, and that some creams will work so that we can avoid the switch to soy formula. We'll see! In the past week she has all of a sudden entered the phase of wanting to put everything into her mouth. She also now reaches out for things with both hands (in efforts to get something to put everything in her mouth!). She is sleeping well at night - usually about 10 - 11 hours - but barely sleeps much at all during the day. She continues to have the cutest smile - she smiles with her whole body!
Eliza reaching out for her toys
Enjoying bath time
Pretty, pretty girl!!!
I can stick my tongue out at you, too!
Look at the big girl holding her head up!
Eliza's first taste of solid food
I like it!
Eliza reaching out for her toys
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