Saturday, December 20, 2008
Shhhh - don't tell Mommy, but I know where the pots & pans are!
I'm going to quietly pull them out...
*clang* *bang* Look how shiney! I love this noise, I just can't help myself!
BUSTED by Mommy!!! How did she know?!?
Mommy, I'll share! You make noise, too!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Card Photo Shoot
Monday, December 8, 2008
13 months!
Sorry the updates have been scarse lately. Drew is sick now - double ear infections, respiratory infection, fever, eye infections - pretty much you name it, he has it. We've started him on some heavy antibiotics and breathing treatments though, so hopefully it will knock this thing out fast. Poor little fella! But besides that yucky stuff, we had a nice Thanksgiving and Drew got to see both sides of his family. His Nana even gave him his first haircut on Thanksgiving, so that was very special. It made him look like more of a little boy and less like a baby - but it is very cute. They tell us that Drew is walking a good bit at day care - they said even "down the hall"; however, carrying is Drew's primary choice (and he knows that we will do it!) so he walks a few steps at a time with us. Here are just some "catch-me-up" pics from the last few weeks. I will try to get some hair cut pics up as soon as we get them (taken on another camera), and be on the lookout for the 2008 Christmas cards - soon in mailboxes near you. =)
This one was taken at a Wake Forest basketball game when Drew was about 3 weeks old.
This one was taken almost exactly one year later, again at a Wake game. Go Deacs!
Daddy and Drew playing at "Leaps and Bounce" at the beach.
It's been a rough night...
Finally, here is video of Drew's first "ride" with Mommy. (Notice he holds his hands up in true roller coaster fashion!)
This one was taken at a Wake Forest basketball game when Drew was about 3 weeks old.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A quick update
Last week Drew had his twelve month check-up with his doctor. He continues to fall above the 99th percentile in all areas - height (33 and a half inches), weight (30 pounds, 12 ounces) and head diameter (19 and a half inches). While he has been above the curve from the very beginning, the doctor seemed to think that his weight is climbing a little too fast and has put him on a DIET! We think that this will all work itself out as he starts to walk instead of cruise, but we are watching things a little bit.
He now is quite the pointer... making sure we look at *everything* he sees, but it is also fun to see what he is noticing. We went to the beach this past weekend and he really loved to point at the birds. He continues to love to play with doors - I think he could open and shut one all day long, in spite of the rooms full of toys he has everywhere.
He now is quite the pointer... making sure we look at *everything* he sees, but it is also fun to see what he is noticing. We went to the beach this past weekend and he really loved to point at the birds. He continues to love to play with doors - I think he could open and shut one all day long, in spite of the rooms full of toys he has everywhere.
More (belated) birthday pics
Here are a few more from the party that we had at our house. The theme was Elmo (only because Wonder Pets don't yet have "party gear", as that is his - well really our- favorite, but Elmo takes a close second!). It was a fun, 3-outfit-change kind of day. We want to thank all of Drew's family for taking their day last Saturday to drive to spend it with him!
After the cake, Drew went directly into the kitchen sink for a good washing!
Our wonderful families - all together for a special day! Isn't Drew loved?!

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Birthday Pictures - Part one
We have had such a fun weekend celebrating Drew's first birthday. Thank you to all of our family that made such efforts to be with us on Saturday - it made the day very special (and there will be plenty of Saturday pictures to come).
On Thursday, Meema, Brad and I all went to Drew's daycare and brought his "class" some cupcakes. They all got to enjoy them and those poor teachers were having to sponge bathe half of the kids after they finished... it was great! Here are some fun pictures from that day of Drew as well as some of his daycare friends.
Drew prepares for the birthday bash at daycare.
Before the cupcake...
During the cupcake...
"I'll share!"
And after the cupcake...
What WAS that?!?!
Drew's friends enjoyed their cupcakes as well!
Later on in the week, I will post pictures from the party we had at home as well as an update from his one-year doctor check-up, which happens tomorrow - wish us luck on the shots!
On Thursday, Meema, Brad and I all went to Drew's daycare and brought his "class" some cupcakes. They all got to enjoy them and those poor teachers were having to sponge bathe half of the kids after they finished... it was great! Here are some fun pictures from that day of Drew as well as some of his daycare friends.
Drew prepares for the birthday bash at daycare.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Drew is one!!!
November 6th, 2007. 10:00 am... after 27 hours of labor, our 9 pound, 2 ounce, 22" long baby boy was finally born - Andrew Gordon Davis. His eyes were wide open, he was looking around and at our faces, he was very calm, he was pinching his thumbs between his index and middle fingers (which he still does sometimes) and he was, and still is, just perfect. This year has brought a lot of mixed emotions/experiences for various reasons - but our baby boy has been such blessing amidst everything. To see how he grows and learns is so amazing, and we look forward to seeing what the next year brings us and him. Don't worry, many birthday pictures will follow. Just a little reflection first.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fun times and good memories
Drew got a taste of his first Halloween this year as the cutest giraffe that you have ever seen. He was able to hit a couple of houses in Meema's neighborhood with his cousins from Florida, Sierra and Morgan.
Am I not just the cutest?!?!
Morgan (future cheerleader), Drew and Sierra (as rocker, Hannah Montana) prepare to go find some candy.
Trick or treat!
He knows what to do with the candy already!
Drew playing with a toy that his Great-Grandpa Gordon made. I'm sure he would so pleased!
Last weekend, we went to the mall where Drew got to meet all of the players on this year's Wake Forest basketball team. A few of them were especially nice and gave him a high five. He really enjoyed seeing the Deacon, too. We have a little Demon Deacon fan-in-training on our hands!
Go Deacs!
Drew & James Johnson.
He loved his first ride on the Merry-Go-Round at the mall, too!
Drew prepares for his next set of reps.
Finally, we are in loving memory of Drew's Great-Grandpa Black, who went to a better place on Wednesday, October 29, after 94 good,full years here. Luckily Drew was able to meet him this March and we were able to get this picture (previously posted) that we will always cherish.
Am I not just the cutest?!?!

Go Deacs!

Drew prepares for his next set of reps.

Finally, we are in loving memory of Drew's Great-Grandpa Black, who went to a better place on Wednesday, October 29, after 94 good,full years here. Luckily Drew was able to meet him this March and we were able to get this picture (previously posted) that we will always cherish.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bring on the Funk
Drew had his first taste of funk music at the Lexington BBQ festival today. We'll let you be the judge as to if he likes it...
We also went to the Black & Gold scrimmage for the Wake Forest men's basketball team this morning. It was nice because it was in a small gym instead of the coliseum. Drew really got into it, too! He was clapping his hands and watching the game and he even got to give the Deacon a high five (but I forgot the camera!) He also really enjoyed watching the cheerleaders... MEN! It has been a fun day with little Drew-Drew.
In other news, Drew has been battling a pretty bad cold this week... there have been some rough nights for him here lately, and a little pitiful moan that would break your heart, but hopefully he is turning the corner on that. Brad actually saw him take 2 steps on his own last weekend prior to Drew realizing he wasn't holding onto anything, but I haven't seen him yet. I have caught him standing on his own for a couple of seconds - again, only when he was occupied by a toy or the remote (currently, Drew's ultimate toy) with both hands so he didn't realize he was actually on his own. He really, really enjoys waving these days - and "bye-bye" appears to be quickly approaching possible first-meaningful-word territory. It sounds awful close to it, anyway, when he is waving at people as we walk away.
That is all for now... just anxiously awaiting Drew's first Halloween next week and *gulp* his first birthday the next week. Where has the time gone?
We also went to the Black & Gold scrimmage for the Wake Forest men's basketball team this morning. It was nice because it was in a small gym instead of the coliseum. Drew really got into it, too! He was clapping his hands and watching the game and he even got to give the Deacon a high five (but I forgot the camera!) He also really enjoyed watching the cheerleaders... MEN! It has been a fun day with little Drew-Drew.
In other news, Drew has been battling a pretty bad cold this week... there have been some rough nights for him here lately, and a little pitiful moan that would break your heart, but hopefully he is turning the corner on that. Brad actually saw him take 2 steps on his own last weekend prior to Drew realizing he wasn't holding onto anything, but I haven't seen him yet. I have caught him standing on his own for a couple of seconds - again, only when he was occupied by a toy or the remote (currently, Drew's ultimate toy) with both hands so he didn't realize he was actually on his own. He really, really enjoys waving these days - and "bye-bye" appears to be quickly approaching possible first-meaningful-word territory. It sounds awful close to it, anyway, when he is waving at people as we walk away.
That is all for now... just anxiously awaiting Drew's first Halloween next week and *gulp* his first birthday the next week. Where has the time gone?
Monday, October 6, 2008
11 months old!!!
It has been a while, so it is time to bombard you with pictures and updates. Drew continues to grow and grow. He has become quite the pro at walking behind his "grocery cart", and he can cruise around furniture; however, he won't let go and attempt to give it a whirl on his own yet. He is actually very cautious about his walking attempts - he seems very calculated in how he lets himself down and balance himself. He did get up 7 stairs on his own this week too (with Mommy close behind, don't worry!). Drew is now eating 100% table food, which seems to be going well. OK... I know you all get on here mainly to look at the pictures, so I'll get the show on the road:
Drew eating his first menu item in a restaurant - mac and cheese!
Since he is up on his feet so much now, we caved and finally bought him his first pair of shoes. I think I embarrassed the entire family by insisting pictures be taken inside Stride Rite... but it had to be done!
Drew tots around the store - making sure they are a good mix of comfort and style
He gives a new definition to the phrase, "he is really enjoying his new shoes".
We went to the Chili Cook-off at Tanglewood Park a couple of weeks ago. Although Drew's "Uncle Mike" and his crew didn't win their deserving crown of best chili at the festival, we had a good time. There was a Babies-R-Us area with some toys in the shade, that Drew especially enjoyed.
This was also at the festival - I think it is such a sweet picture.
The same weekend, Meema came up to watch Drew a bit so Brad and I could have some "adult" time. For the past few years, Brad has sponsored a part of the Chris Paul Winston-Salem Weekend. Brad put on his first non-wedding-related tux since prom, and I put on my first non-wedding-related formal dress since prom and we went to the Banker's Ball - a formal dinner and auction. We had a lot of fun and it was a great weekend for a great cause. Here is Meema and Drew-Drew right before we left - I like this one because it looks like they are both up to something!
Mommy and Daddy all dressed up at the Ball
Photo-op with Chris Paul.
This past weekend, we drove up to Henderson to celebrate Camden's 10th birthday (one of our nephews born today... 10/6... our other nephew, Nicholas, has his 3rd birthday today also). HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMDEN AND NICHOLAS!!! It took Drew a bit to get used to a small dog, but he and Sophie quickly became friends (Aunt Melissa's dog)
Drew enjoys some of cousin Camden's birthday cake
Our little mechanic checks the oil in "Bob"
Drew also went to the Dixie Classic fair yesterday. Unfortunately, it was hot (fairs aren't supposed to be hot!!!) - but it was fun. Drew enjoys his version of fair food:
...and also his very own, custom fair ride
Drew is a big fan of waving right now- here he is waving at people (or trees, or cars, or... well, you get it) that he passes. I'll call him Mr. Dixie Classic himself:
Daddy showed Drew the cows - yes, he got to enjoy the fair animal aroma also!
And to end, a sweet picture of our boys - one trying to get out, the other trying to get in. Luckily, neither has yet to figure out how - though I know it won't be long until that changes!
Drew eating his first menu item in a restaurant - mac and cheese!

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