It has been a while, so it is time to bombard you with pictures and updates. Drew continues to grow and grow. He has become quite the pro at walking behind his "grocery cart", and he can cruise around furniture; however, he won't let go and attempt to give it a whirl on his own yet. He is actually very cautious about his walking attempts - he seems very calculated in how he lets himself down and balance himself. He did get up 7 stairs on his own this week too (with Mommy close behind, don't worry!). Drew is now eating 100% table food, which seems to be going well. OK... I know you all get on here mainly to look at the pictures, so I'll get the show on the road:
Drew eating his first menu item in a restaurant - mac and cheese!

Since he is up on his feet so much now, we caved and finally bought him his first pair of shoes. I think I embarrassed the entire family by insisting pictures be taken inside Stride Rite... but it had to be done!

Drew tots around the store - making sure they are a good mix of comfort and style

He gives a new definition to the phrase, "he is really enjoying his new shoes".

We went to the Chili Cook-off at Tanglewood Park a couple of weeks ago. Although Drew's "Uncle Mike" and his crew didn't win their deserving crown of best chili at the festival, we had a good time. There was a Babies-R-Us area with some toys in the shade, that Drew especially enjoyed.

This was also at the festival - I think it is such a sweet picture.

The same weekend, Meema came up to watch Drew a bit so Brad and I could have some "adult" time. For the past few years, Brad has sponsored a part of the Chris Paul Winston-Salem Weekend. Brad put on his first non-wedding-related tux since prom, and I put on my first non-wedding-related formal dress since prom and we went to the Banker's Ball - a formal dinner and auction. We had a lot of fun and it was a great weekend for a great cause. Here is Meema and Drew-Drew right before we left - I like this one because it looks like they are both up to something!

Mommy and Daddy all dressed up at the Ball

Photo-op with Chris Paul.

This past weekend, we drove up to Henderson to celebrate Camden's 10th birthday (one of our nephews born today... 10/6... our other nephew, Nicholas, has his 3rd birthday today also). HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMDEN AND NICHOLAS!!! It took Drew a bit to get used to a small dog, but he and Sophie quickly became friends (Aunt Melissa's dog)

Drew enjoys some of cousin Camden's birthday cake

Our little mechanic checks the oil in "Bob"

Drew also went to the Dixie Classic fair yesterday. Unfortunately, it was hot (fairs aren't supposed to be hot!!!) - but it was fun. Drew enjoys his version of fair food:

...and also his very own, custom fair ride

Drew is a big fan of waving right now- here he is waving at people (or trees, or cars, or... well, you get it) that he passes. I'll call him Mr. Dixie Classic himself:

Daddy showed Drew the cows - yes, he got to enjoy the fair animal aroma also!

And to end, a sweet picture of our boys - one trying to get out, the other trying to get in. Luckily, neither has yet to figure out how - though I know it won't be long until that changes!
Yay! I'm glad to check out the latest with the Davises. Drew is so big! He's really the perfect combo of both of you. I see Mom's eyes, Dad's smile. I love that CPWSW made the blog - very cool.
ReplyDeleteupdate, update, UPDATE! some of us are on pins and needles, waiting for the walking! =]