Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Drew's first "vacation"

...away from Mommy and Daddy that is! Brad and I went to Asheville for 2 nights this weekend to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. I think Drew handled it much better than we did. =) His Meema, Uncle Denny and Aunt Lynda (and puppy-cousin Ace) came and stayed with him and Steve while we were away. From the stories and pictures, I know that he had a great time being the center of attention all weekend. We had a great weekend away and anniversary too.

"Look at all of these grown-ups rolling around on the floor with me! Boy, I've got them trained already!"

This is Drew's favorite place these days. He will stay in the swing for over an hour just as happy as he can be. Uncle Paul made us this swing for Christmas - Uncle Paul... you've done well! =)

Drew went in for his 6-month check-up at the doctor's office last week. He braved his shots like a big boy. He weighed in at 23 pounds, 1 ounce and was 29 1/4 inches tall - which continues to put him above the 97th percentile in both areas for his age. He is now sitting up all alone - and can do it for about 30 seconds sometimes before he topples over.

1 comment:

  1. seriously, is that a mc'alister's deli menu he's reading?! he gets more beautiful all the time... makes me wonder when i'll have to stop saying beautiful, and swap it out for something more masculine. NEVER! he's always our beautiful boy!
