Let me explain...
Mass-less. A few people knew that after Drew's swallowing study, the Radiologist reported he may have a mass or lesion in his pyriform sinuses (pockets down in the bottom of his throat), and we were sent to an ENT last week. Of course, those words made us worry so we were very anxious about this appointment. Our big boy braved being scoped (and Mommy & Daddy braved watching him - actually Brad held him during it) and besides a little evidence of reflux, the doctor thankfully thought that everything looked OK. So, everyone is in agreement that they think Drew should outgrow this trouble swallowing by the time he is 18-24 months old. That may be a long time, but we can handle that in light of something that could have been much worse. So thank you for everyone's thoughts and prayers during all of this!
Now, for the inchworm part. Drew started crawling this week! But, he hasn't yet figured out the typical crawling method. Instead he puts both feet under him, pushes his bottom up in the air and then falls forward. It definitely gets him from point A to point B, and he is getting faster everyday. He already loves to get to things that he seems to know he shouldn't be getting into, so we have to keep an even closer watch on him now. Here he is getting into Daddy's stereo (out of all of the colorful toys that sing and move, he is just drawn to these black knobs!):

In other news, Drew's second tooth has come in down on the bottom beside his first. You can kind of see his new teeth in this picture:

Drew's "Aunt" Jenn came to visit him recently. He hopes she comes back soon!

Our computer has been down since last week, so I have a lot of catching up to do with pictures. Drew enjoyed going to the park last weekend - he loved the swing!

Our little engineer tries to figure out just how this swing works.

One of my favorite things to do on the weekend (it is sad that he will soon be too big to take naps on me!):

One of my favorite things to do on the weekend (it is sad that he will soon be too big to take naps on me!):

Drew and his best friend:
And yes, baby, it does...
oh man, this is great! what a wonderful post...great news, great pictures, and a warm fuzzy feeling inside! crawling, cutting teeth, getting past the big scare without terrible news...this is definitely a post i've been waiting for. thank goodness he will be okay. those pictures are wonderful...i especially love the next to the last one. he really looks less like a baby and more like a person in that one =] it looks like he loves having daddy push him on the swing! i can't wait to see you guys next weekend...i miss ya'll so much!
ReplyDeletei can't stop looking at these pictures, they are so precious! i didn't take nearly enough pictures last weekend, so i'm treasuring these like mad. i don't know why i always forget to take pictures! oh well, i guess i'll just have to come again! (or of course you can come to the burg =])
ReplyDeletelove you!