Uncle Denny, Aunt Lynda and Meema came up and stayed with us last weekend in what has become quite a fun tradition - Merlefest! Meema was kind enough to watch Drew on Friday and Sunday, so we could enjoy some "adult" time - but they both joined us all day on Saturday for the festival. I have to brag on that little boy and say that he was sooooo good. The weather was HOT and that was the very first day in almost 18-months that he did not take a nap, yet we couldn't have asked him to be better - the only tears shed were after he tripped and bit his tongue (ouch!) and when, in our parental naivety, we tried to *make* him take a nap(he needed it, right?!?! WRONG - he showed us and we learned a big lesson... it is sometimes OK to go with the flow a little more - the world isn't going to end and our toddler isn't necessarily going to turn into a little demon if his schedule is kept perfectly. Who knew?!) . He clapped his hands and stomped his feet at various stages, and enjoyed people watching and all of the kids activites as well. He was a very happy boy. Drew appears to love events just as much as his parents do!
Mommy and Drew-Drew share a dance at the dance tent.

Fun in the sand box

...and fun with hula-hoops

...and fun on the swing, too!

Just look at that face - does he not have the sweetest little eyes in the world?!?! Not to mention those big, pinch-able cheeks...

Drew rocks out during the P Doodle Possum & Buffalo Barfield set at the Little Pickers stage. ~All the toddlers in the house throw your hands up - throw your hands up~

Notice in this video that he does his "hat" sign after he hears Buffalo Barfield sing about the hat - then he looks just to make sure I noticed!
Daddy's lap sure does feel good at the end of a long day

Thanks for a great weekend Uncle Denny, Aunt Lynda and Meema!!!
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