Drew learned a wonderful new habit of sticking food up his nose at Meema's this week (half of a thin baby carrot that was way up there), and unfortunately got the reaction that he wanted from us for it. I mean, really, how can you not laugh at that no matter how hard you try? I'm sure it won't be funny if/when we end up at the doctor's office for something that is lodged up there, but what can you do? I called and warned his teacher at school to please keep an eye out on random raisins and such from his lunch box.
We had our first parent/teacher conference last week and it went well. Drew's teacher's said that he is the "spark" of the classroom - which we hope is a good thing. They say that he enjoys art activities the most and is "learning how to become a good friend". He seems to have adjusted well to his new school.
Last weekend, we went to the Lexington BBQ festival where Drew made his television debut. I'm not sure how long this link will work, but if you go here you can see Drew and Daddy being interviewed (and very observant eyes will notice Mama and Meema in the background).
Drew also went to a birthday party of one of his classmates last weekend at Salem Gym. They do a medal ceremony at the end, and this is a picture of him recieving his gold medal.

And here is a quick video of Drew watching a train video online can you tell what his absolute #1 love in life is right now?!?!
A few weekends ago, Brad and I took a trip to Charlotte with some friends to see the Panthers finally win a game, and here were are:
We have quite a week coming up with Halloween and a big birthday - someone is turning 2! Look for updates! =)
love the choo-choo video