Monday, March 22, 2010

Eliza pictures

While Eliza didn't participate in many of the activities down at the beach since it was a bit chilly & she was just getting over her illness, here are some pictures of her on her first beach vacation. She is getting very long now and is so pretty! While I know things can still change for quite awhile - her eyes still look blue and it looks like she may have some curls in her hair... so different than Drew! Her temperament is also very different than Drew's was - she definitely knows what she wants and wants it when she wants it. She sleeps better than Drew did at that age, but also has less patience and can go from laughing, to a lip pout, to a full out screaming fit in a matter of seconds. I wonder what that will mean in the future?!?! Either way, she rocks!!! Laughing Cousin Mimi helps give Eliza a bottle.

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